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Liaquat Ali Khan

Liaquat Ali Khan Start to till at end hostory Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (Næʍābzādāh Liāqat Alī Khān about this sound pay attention (assist·statistics),Urdu: لیاقت علی خان‎; born October 1895 – sixteen October 1951), broadly known as Shaheed-e-Millat (Urdu: شہید ملت‎ Martyr of the nation), changed into one of the main founding fathers of Pakistan, statesman, legal professional, and political theorist who've become and served due to the fact the first pinnacle Minister of Pakistan; similarly, he also held cupboard portfolio because the primary overseas, defence, and the frontier areas minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.Allegations have been pointed in the direction of the involvement of Afghan monarch Zahir Shah and the usa authorities in his assassination, even though this claim has now not merited any giant evidence.Prior to that, he in quick tenured because the first finance minister in the interim government led via its Governor trendy Mountbatten. He bec


Welcome to the first stop on the blog tour for Normal Norman (Sterling Children's Books @SterlingKids) by Tara Lazar (@taralazar) founder of PiBoIdMo, and illustrated by S.britt (@StephanBritt) and due to be published March 1. Join the crew blog by blog and on Twitter (#NormalNormanBlogTour). 

Normal Norman is a picture book with a retro look that adds humor and energy to this blend of science and nonsense. A young "junior scientist" in a white lab coat (a spunky girl-- yay!) who is also the book's narrator is on a quest to define "normal" In empirical ways. Her subject? A purple orangutan. So, we know this is going to be an interesting "experiment" from the get-go. And this orangutan (Norman) is not cooperating-- he speaks English, sleeps in a bed, and loves pizza! Each double-page spread is teeming with energy, details, and humor. Plus, it begs to be read aloud and should surely generate some interesting discussion about what is "normal"-- in the animal world, as well as in ours. 

>>> Link this book with a Orangutanka: A Story in Poems by Margarita Engle to offer a contrasting (and more reality-based) look at orangutans. And just for fun, Sterling Kids Publishing has provided fun, interactive activity pages to accompany this book (below). Enjoy!

Special thanks to Josh Redlich for facilitating this fun!


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