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Liaquat Ali Khan

Liaquat Ali Khan Start to till at end hostory Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (Næʍābzādāh Liāqat Alī Khān about this sound pay attention (assist·statistics),Urdu: لیاقت علی خان‎; born October 1895 – sixteen October 1951), broadly known as Shaheed-e-Millat (Urdu: شہید ملت‎ Martyr of the nation), changed into one of the main founding fathers of Pakistan, statesman, legal professional, and political theorist who've become and served due to the fact the first pinnacle Minister of Pakistan; similarly, he also held cupboard portfolio because the primary overseas, defence, and the frontier areas minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.Allegations have been pointed in the direction of the involvement of Afghan monarch Zahir Shah and the usa authorities in his assassination, even though this claim has now not merited any giant evidence.Prior to that, he in quick tenured because the first finance minister in the interim government led via its Governor trendy Mountbatten. He bec

A Special Gift

Finally � a truly �sponsored post� on SJD!! I am going to be paying myself handsomely for writing this one!!

This post is to make you aware of a unique gifting opportunity. You can gift your friends and loved ones in India the experience of truly fine tea. All you need to do is choose any of the teas listed on our catalog, and your gift will be delivered at their doorstep.  We deliver free of charge almost anywhere in India.  If you love tea, you will love our catalog. If you don�t know much about tea, just go eenie-meenie-minie-moe, and whatever you choose is guaranteed to be among the best teas of the season. That is my personal promise to you. And wait, there is more! For all orders received between now and December 31, 2013, we will be adding a small festive gift from our side at no extra cost.

Most of you who follow this blog regularly will be aware of our curated tea catalog. We list the best black, green and white tea of the season. You will also be aware of how this catalog is our attempt to build a new, responsible, ethical, sustainable, people- and planet-friendly business model. Many of you have become customers and offered us your feedback on our marketing strategy (or lack of it). We have been listening and reflecting. We have also been watching the data build up, which helps us take �scientific� decisions. We are thankful for your love and support to the tea catalog as well as to this blog. Please keep telling us what we can do better.

PS: One of the things that have been going on with this blog is an attempt to make it self-sustaining. Not as in pay for itself (what price what I do here), but in terms of promoting links of individual posts on the social network. But this post, since it is �sponsored,� will get promoted. So might as well piggyback for some attention. Here are some posts from earlier this month that you might have missed.

1. The Need For Livelihood Assessment: An attempt at answering questions my own questions.

2. What Happens Instead: An introduction to a guest post I wrote for Micky�s blog, one in which I detail my personal journey.

3. Poetry Is Easy: Another poem in my ongoing ars poetica series. :)

4. Angels Without Knowing: A showcase of some of the finest writing by others on SJD this year.

5. God�s Strange Ways: A short story on the ultimate falsehood about us � that we are a minority of one,  immigrant, excluded, seeker, dispossessed.

6. Homemade Peanut Butter, How To Make: Fresher, healthier, tastier and nearly four times cheaper than anything you can buy in a store.


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