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Liaquat Ali Khan

Liaquat Ali Khan Start to till at end hostory Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (Næʍābzādāh Liāqat Alī Khān about this sound pay attention (assist·statistics),Urdu: لیاقت علی خان‎; born October 1895 – sixteen October 1951), broadly known as Shaheed-e-Millat (Urdu: شہید ملت‎ Martyr of the nation), changed into one of the main founding fathers of Pakistan, statesman, legal professional, and political theorist who've become and served due to the fact the first pinnacle Minister of Pakistan; similarly, he also held cupboard portfolio because the primary overseas, defence, and the frontier areas minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.Allegations have been pointed in the direction of the involvement of Afghan monarch Zahir Shah and the usa authorities in his assassination, even though this claim has now not merited any giant evidence.Prior to that, he in quick tenured because the first finance minister in the interim government led via its Governor trendy Mountbatten. He bec

SoCh - Taking Social Change beyond just thinking about it

This is to let you all know that I am alive and well. The absence of updates on this blog is primarily due to the fact that I am traveling, on work and for pleasure, a vacation of sorts after ages. However, there is a lot brewing at the community that you have built around the work I am trying to do here. One of the projects that has shaped up over the last several months is SoCh, a (presently) Hyderabad-based platform for connecting and promoting real change-makers. No, we do not have a website, and no, there are no membership charges.

SoCh is an experiment in community building that brings together innovative change-makers and gives them a platform to present their work to an audience made of media, bloggers, writers, community workers and thought leaders from diverse backgrounds. Our hope is that this networking opportunity will strengthen and broadcast the work being done by these amazing individuals and organizations. Of course, this will be possible only with your love and support.

The first public event of SoCh takes place on Saturday, August 3, 2013 at Our Sacred Space, Secunderabad. Please do come if you are in Hyderabad, and if not, please do share this post or the Facebook event page with your friends in Hyderabad. We look forward to seeing you on August 3. Here is a brief outline of what you can expect on that evening.
Click here to read the full post>>


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