The day we first met, I can really never forget..
You were sitting in the first row,I came near you
and all I could say was a "HELLO!!"
"Wats ur name" I asked with a smile
****** came the reply after a short while...
The time passed and we became friend..
Those best days of life that never seems to end.
Those laughs we had
Those secrets we share...
Whenever I needed a friend
You were always there to care..
That flirting on the phone,
that time we spent alone..
That million sorries I say,
You forgived them howsoever big they may.
Those little moments I just can't forget,
that passing of smile whenever we met.
That last bench "TRUTH AND DARE",
and the fake proposal to anyone out there.
Sweet memories with you my friend,
will never let my happiness end.
Joys and sorrows we shared together,
Smiles or tears it hardly even matter..
Back in those days my life was bright,
with your charm and in your light..
You said "We are frnds forever"
I said "I'll also leave you never".
Time is approaching where we must depart,
the four years of smiles to remember and promise in our hearts.
frnds till the end is wat we will be,
someday we'll be together... together "U and ME"
Few days we will be together,then we have to part away..
but memories of you in my heart forever will stay.
Though time has forced to part our ways,
i'll think of you in all my coming days...!!
English Sad Poetry |
Driven by constant hope We live each moment of our life
We are taught to dig out the scope
And never to let ourselves down with strife.
We believe it going to get better
We feel that fate can nvr be that cruel
But then at the end of the day?s clutter
We realise it was nothing but a cold, messy gruel
Like the generations before us
We were deceived
It was like a bus we never caught
Something denied after an ever-lasting wait
When u turn to the last page of likfe
You realise there was nothing miraculous in there
It was a long drama of misery
With intermissions of happiness?
-a dejected soul
pls pen down ur comments guys...
English Sad -Romantic Poetry |
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