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Liaquat Ali Khan

Liaquat Ali Khan Start to till at end hostory Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (Næʍābzādāh Liāqat Alī Khān about this sound pay attention (assist·statistics),Urdu: لیاقت علی خان‎; born October 1895 – sixteen October 1951), broadly known as Shaheed-e-Millat (Urdu: شہید ملت‎ Martyr of the nation), changed into one of the main founding fathers of Pakistan, statesman, legal professional, and political theorist who've become and served due to the fact the first pinnacle Minister of Pakistan; similarly, he also held cupboard portfolio because the primary overseas, defence, and the frontier areas minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.Allegations have been pointed in the direction of the involvement of Afghan monarch Zahir Shah and the usa authorities in his assassination, even though this claim has now not merited any giant evidence.Prior to that, he in quick tenured because the first finance minister in the interim government led via its Governor trendy Mountbatten. He bec

The Good In Me, The Good In You

Aarathi Selvan of Between Life�s Doings tagged me in her post The Good In You and The Good In Me way back in March 2012. Aarathi has been a long time inspiration for me with her insightful work on value creation, spirituality and parenting. Most of my explorations into the mindfulness school of thought have been through her reflections.

This tag meme invites you to share the best of your work in specific categories. I spent the greater part of the next couple of days enjoying the links to her work, and promised to myself that I would do the same. I would remember, but only at the strangest times; while waiting for a bus to take me to the second hand book market on a Sunday morning, while being nagged by my Mom for not redacting my work for publishing, or while trying out a new complicated recipe with the missus.

Perhaps I was not willing to look at the good in me. Perhaps I was embarrassed that what I thought was good was really no good. More likely I was plain lazy. Whatever the truth might be, I stand (sit, actually, and very poorly too) here today a victor, as I attempt to honor the tag Aarathi sent my way.

Read on to see what I think is good in me, and to see my list of those I would like to pass this tag on to.
Click here to read the full post>>


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